The Perfect Pair: Your Dock and Yahoo Finance News

Great news! Content from Yahoo Finance is now available on the TD Ameritrade website.

The dock on the TD Ameritrade web site was already a go-to resource for your most-used information like account balances, stock watch lists, and important market news. But why stop there? Now you can try the new Yahoo Finance module, it allows you to access news headlines from Yahoo Finance without leaving 

See news from top providers.

One of the biggest benefits of the new module is the ability to browse headlines from 18 news sources including Yahoo Finance Contributors, Investor’s Business Daily, Business Insider, Forbes, and the Associated Press, among many other financial publishers.


Now you can customize your dock to include the Yahoo Finance module for streaming market news. Source: TD Ameritrade. For illustrative purposes only.

Track the news you want to see.

Additionally, this new feature makes it more efficient to find news about the investments you own and the stocks and funds on your watch lists. Plus, you can search for a specific symbol to see related news. Use the green “+” and “-“ to expand and collapse each filter.

View the full story.

If you want to dig deeper into a story, click on any headline to go to the Yahoo Finance website to read the whole story.

Add the module to your dock.

If the Yahoo Finance module isn’t in your dock but you’d like to add it, click “Add Modules” and drag and drop it into one of your columns. You can add up to three instances of the module.

If you are new to using the dock or just need a quick review, check out this video and learn how to customize the dock to view balances, watch lists, streaming market news, and more.