Stock Profile: A Trader’s Source for In-Depth Research

Use the stocks profile page to read a company’s profile and see charts, earnings, fundamentals, valuations, and more to help you research securities. Profile
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Did you know our Stock Profile page is loaded with tools to help you research securities? After you log in to your account at, go to Research & Ideas > Stocks > Profile—or just enter the symbol in the search box at the top of the site. Then, use the tabs at the top of the page to read the company’s profile and see charts, earnings, fundamentals, valuations, and more.

Learn more about some of our top tabs on the Stock Profile page:

Catch up on the latest happenings with the stock of your choice—view articles and videos, and filter by news provider (Dow Jones,, MarketWatch, and more).


Keep track of a stock through detailed charts like price, volume, rolling earnings per share (EPS), accumulation distribution, and momentum.

View earnings analysis and trends, and find out the date of the next earnings announcement.

Get a quick summary of upcoming events and past earnings and dividends.

Analyst Reports
Search ratings, browse relevant reports, and use the Tools module to set ratings change alerts and create custom reports.

Peer Comparison
See how a stock stacks up against industry competition across a variety of metrics, like 52-week change, Social Signals, earnings growth, and more.


Use Research & Ideas > Stocks > Profile to get an in-depth look at a stock you’re interested in. Source: TD Ameritrade. For illustrative purposes only.

Dive In More with Stocks Overview

In addition to Stock Profile, we created the My Stocks Overview page, customized to your recent activity. Go to Research & Ideas > Stocks > Overview, and you’ll see the latest stock events related to your positions, watch lists, companies you have recently viewed, and your own past research. It’s also a great resource for finding new trade ideas, as it’s based on your activity. The page helps you follow sectors on the move, stocks in the news, and companies most active in social media.


On the My Stocks Overview page, pick and choose which filters to display your positions, recently viewed stocks, and watch lists. Source: TD Ameritrade. For illustrative purposes only.


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